Got a ride to a town called Amal for the night. Wanted to be by the big lake here. If you look at a map its the giant blue spot hanging a bit toward the left side of the wang that is sweden. Got a ride here from a great guy, who once again told me to take the train. Why would i take a train? Every time i get a ride, i get a personal tour guide and new view of the country.
I got picked up by a firefighter last night, that told me all about the stiff punishments for speeding. For any traffic offence, you get your license taken as well as a fine. You have to take the driving test over again to get it back. He said he got one once and he had to quit his job driving commercially. So dont speed in the swedeland.
Last night was cold. I have been trying to rough it old miner style, with no foam pad, sleeping on all my stuff for some insulation. Last night it just didnt cut it. The firefighter told me it was getting down to -2'C in the night. Yep, i got a long way north to head too. Gonna find a sleeping pad to buy and admit my weakness.
I dont think i have mentioned this before, but i have a tentative goal of heading to Norway to find a whale. Norway is one of the few countries that ignores the international anti-whaling laws, them and japan (although japan claims to only whale for science and the meat would just be wasted if they didnt use it, this way they can fill restaurants with full protected endangered whales). So i'd like to see a dead whale. Bit morbid, i know, but you have to have goals.
Heading to Karlstad, where oddly enough my friend Lotta from Gothenburg is going to be this weekend. So hopefully i'll stick around that long. Maybe head out and come back. So strange and exciting to have so much time, so little to get done.
Its great to keep this updated, hope you all like it. Its almost like you guys are traveling with me. Instead of the harsh reality that i'm all alone in a foreign land. I've been talking to myself a little too much, yikes. Trying to stick to singing songs, but i only know so many and ya gots ta have some conversation in there too. Also most of the songs are vulgar hiphop songs.
Time to sit in the sun and read\find food
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