Saturday, October 20, 2007

Norway Bar Scene

a dance floor filled
with people who cant dance
off beat
flailing about
no cares
good times

i find i cant fill a space
and hold it
for some reason
not really confrontational
or maybe not noticing
go out the way
to bump up against me
little more
than smile on my face

cops are very consistent
passing the place
even in this small town

women and men dressed
not up
but nice
in such a small town
i picture the US
being filled with dirt
and cloths worn all day long
(probably longer)
no thought
just comfort

only one beer on tap
makes it easy to order
for an outsider

most people drink mixed
few shots
an interesting mix
of young and old

i top my hat
and flow my way out the door
and head back to the pad
sleepin on a bed
but no complaints
tomorrow i hit the ground

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